The DaVinci Telegram MT4 Massager indicator is designed directly to send messages from the MetaTrader4 terminal to the Telegram messenger. Since traders periodically have trouble getting messages to the mail from the terminal in a classic way (it is not possible to connect: the wrong box, port, secure protocol at the post office), we decided to offer you an alternative method of sending messages via Telegram.
Before starting to use this software I would like to warn that Telegram is currently banned by Roskomnadzor in Russia and sending messages to residents of the country from the terminal is possible only with VPS located in another country, or using a third-party IP address system.
If you are looking for an indicator for sending notifications to Telegram about open and closed orders, then follow this link.
If you need an indicator for sending screenshots to email, check out our ScreenShot Indicator
Installation instructions:
1. Unpack the archive in the trading terminal. If the archive does not have a DLL library file or it is out of date, you can download it here
2. In terminal properties (Service-Settings-Advisers) be sure to allow the import of DLL
3. In Telegram itself, through search you need to find a bot @botfather and create with it his bot on points:
3.1 First you need to write /start, then /newbot
3.2 We give a unique name of the bot and its username. We get a unique API bot code (then it can be changed). We need a line like: “Use this token to access the HTTP API: 11111111111:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
3.3 Open the bot, it should appear in a separate Telegram window, we need to run it, write /start
4. Next, the resulting API code is copied and inserted into the APIkey line of the indicator
5. As proof that the indicator has found your bot, when initialing it will issue a message in the terminal log: “The indicator is successfully set on the graph/Indicator successfully install to the chart.”
6. It’s all set! Now, when you reach the specified drawdown value, either the maximum number of open orders on the current pair, or all open orders (indicated in the settings), the indicator will send a message to Telegram.
Indicator settings
> > Token API < < | |
APIkey | The key code of your Telegram bot in the format of “1111111111:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” |
> > Settings < < | |
Max Drawdown To Send Alert | Maximum drawdown by equity percentage, exceeding which indicator will send messages |
Max Allow Open Orders | The maximum number of open orders above which the indicator will send a message |
Choose Orders Type To Send Alert | Choosing the type of orders to calculate drawdown (All – all orders, CurrentSymbol – only on the current pair). |
This indicator is designed to show how MT4 and Telegram can work together. In the future, if there are interesting offers from users, it can be supplemented with more complex functionality, for example, this library can also send text to your channel in a telegram, tablets of the trading schedule and various documents
3 Comments. Leave new
Hi thanks you for all the help, i need bot or indicator that send to me all the alert in the mt4 to telegram can help me please?
Hi, yes we ca do it for extra payment. Please write to me: rever273(AT)
Hi thanks you for all the help, i need bot or indicator that send to me all the alert in the mt4 to telegram have this?