The DaVinci Telegram OpenClose Indicator is designed to send messages about opening and closing orders from the MetaTrader4 terminal to the Telegram messenger. The settings are extremely clear and simple. With this indicator, you will always be aware of the trading of your advisors, and you will also be able to supply signals to your telegram channel.
If you are interested in the indicator for sending a notification in Telegram about the maximum drawdown on your account, then follow this link.
If you need an indicator for sending screenshots to email, check out our ScreenShot Indicator
Installation instructions:
1. Unpack the archive into the trading terminal into the folder with indicators.
2. In the terminal properties (Tools-Options-Expert Advisors), be sure to enable DLL imports
3. In Telegram through the search, you need to find the @botfather bot and create your own bot using it according to the following points:
3.1 First you need to write /start, then /newbot
3.2 Set a unique name for the bot and its username. We get a unique API code of the bot (you can change it later). We need a line like: “Use this token to access the HTTP API: 1111111111: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
3.3 Open the bot, it should appear in a separate Telegram window, we need to start it, so we write /start
If you need the bot to publish messages to a chat or channel, then you need to add it there and give it administrator rights. After that, you need to write any text in the chat for the bot to see it.
4. Next, write the path to the bot in the browser to get a list of its channels or chats where it participates. To do this, write the line: https://api.telegram.org/bot1111111111:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/getUpdates, where “1111111111:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is your bot API code. You will see a message similar to the following:
Accordingly, the screenshot shows that I sent him a message in a private chat with the phrase “Hello”, the ID of this chat is 505825267. And also the message “Hi Chat” was sent to the channel and its ID is displayed as -1001404775000. The channel ID value must be specified with a minus.
Depending on whether you need a chat or a channel, you choose the desired ID and enter it in the bot settings.
If these lines are not in the browser, then you did not send the bot a message from your chat or channel where you added it.
6. Everything is ready! Now, when you open or close a new order, the indicator will send a message to the Telegram. It will look like this:
Indicator settings
> > Token API < < | |
APIkey | Your Telegram bot key code in the format “1111111111:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” |
Channel_ID |
The ID number of your channel or bot window, where to send the notification. Has the form“-1001404770000” |
> > Settings < < | |
Signal/EA name | The name of your strategy or advisor, which will be sent in a telegram |
Send Open Orders Massage | Permission to send message about open orders |
Send Close Orders Massage | Permission to send message about close orders |
Print To Journal | Log information that message was successfully sent |
This indicator shows the possibilities for MT4 and Telegram to work together. We understand that this topic is very popular now, so we attach the open source code of this indicator in mq4 format so that you can change it yourself to suit your needs.
That’s all, profits to you!
[download url=”http://www.davinci-fx.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/DaVinci-Telegram-OpenClose-Indicator.rar” title=”Download for free”]
2 Comments. Leave new
When multiple trades are opened on different charts. Its seems to only send the one message and not the rest. Like EUR/USD GBP/JPY and EUR/CHF Trades are opened at once and only the first one is sent to the channel. Could it be that the bot can not handle the multiple requests ?
Please check again.
The block responsible for processing several requests is available and functioning.