Hello everyone! It’s time to release the monthly report of the DaVinci FX team for April on the trading of our advisors. Below you can find a brief overview of our signals and PAMM accounts available for copying and investing.
Information about all our investment accounts is available in this section.
Report on the profitability of PAMM accounts and signals.
1. Eternity/Shikari
Total profitability: +1523.04%
Monthly yield: +1.05%
Drawdown per month: 0.30%
Number of orders per month: 26
Profit factor: 3,83
The EA continues to update its maximum yield. The second month has gone after the exit from the long drawdown. In April, it was not possible to achieve an impressive profit, the Advisor took everything that the market gave, namely 1%.
This account is the oldest and lowest risk martingale from my large portfolio, so I do not plan to overestimate the risks on it. PAMM is an “invest and forget” type, suitable for long-term investors who understand that rushing in the market will not lead to anything good.
The account is included in the TOP 50 of the Alpari rating.
2. Firmum Fiduciam Motus
Total profitability: +354,5%
Monthly yield: +2,24%
Drawdown per month: 0,78%
Number of orders per month: 58
Profit factor: 1,71
The state of “turbulence” in the market subsided, which allowed our signal to generate a modest but steady return of 2.2%. The drawdown on the account turned out to be minimal and it is close to updating the maximum yield. You can add our monitoring MyFxBook to your bookmarks to be able to follow the trading results of our algorithms.
3. New Generic
Total profitability: +118,67%
Monthly yield: -1.79%
Drawdown per month: 1,93%
Number of orders per month: 21
Profit factor: 0.97
From the very beginning of 2021, this account began to lose ground and has been in stagnation for 4 months. The Expert Advisor does not lose money, but it does not make much money. There may be many reasons, but personally I am inclined to believe that the market has simply changed. The settings adapted for previous years are no longer suitable in order to consistently generate income now. In this connection, our team is already working on the creation of additional set files suitable for the current volatility. In the near future unprofitable pairs will be removed from the account, risks will be recalculated and new symbols will be added with updated settings. Trading continues!
4. Night Hawk
Total profitability: +240.52%
Monthly yield: +3,32%
Drawdown per month: 4,17%
Number of orders per month: 42
Profit factor: 1,68
The month showed a good increase of 3.3% compared to the previous period. There are no special comments on trading, because the account copes with its duties without any of our intervention. Active earnings are automatic, moreover, the sets that were optimized at the very beginning of trading have never changed, they do an excellent job with market volatility all these years. Perhaps, Night Hawk is one of our best advisors in the order averaging system.
5. Irrefutable
Total profitability: +185,82%
Monthly yield: +10,35%
Drawdown per month: 7,66%
Number of orders per month: 99
Profit factor: 2,85
April ended up being pretty good. The EA worked very fruitfully and brought a profit of 10.3%, which, in my opinion, is very good. The drawdown did not exceed the permissible values, the trading was calm. The account is gradually recovering from the prevailing drawdown in February caused by the fixed Stop Loss used to avoid the Margin Call. Soon our advisor will reach a new level of income, it just takes a little time.
6. My Enlightenment
Total profitability: +291.93%
Monthly yield: +1.8%
Drawdown per month: 5.62%
Number of orders per month: 66
Profit factor: 2,13
The month passed quickly, the advisor was able to increase the account capital by 1.8%. No excesses were found during the month.
Despite the fact that the PAMM account has enough manager’s capital, as well as a good profitability, it still remains in 143 places in the TOP of Alpari, which is a little depressing.
7. VelociRaptor
Total profitability: +589,85%
Monthly yield: -0,91%
Drawdown per month: 4,27%
Number of orders per month: 55
Profit factor: 0,94
For the first time in 6 months, the EA showed negative profitability in April. The drawdown was not so significant, I plan to catch up in the near future. Little work has been done to tweak the risk ratio for different pairs based on historical statistics. We continue to trade. I dare to note that the account is in the TOP 50 of the Alpari rating.
As a result, I would like to note that the month turned out to be quite good for our trading algorithms as a whole. Negative aspects of trading were taken into account, some trading settings were corrected. As a result, trading continues along the planned trajectory, no surprises are expected. We are moving in the right steps on the chart in the northeast direction and wish all subscribers profits.
That’s all, add our monitors to your favorites, join and earn together with the DaVinci FX Group team!